Australian Girls in Gi – Melbourne

Australian Girls in Gi - Melbourne

Held just outside Melbourne’s CBD on Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th of March the Australian Girls In Gi Camp is set to roll out once again – jam packed with fun, friends, training, networking and (most importantly) GIRLS! An abundance of girls!

The event, the third of it’s kind, is hosted and created by Jess Fraser of Australian Girls In Gi. This year’s camp sees a record breaking 70+ girls registered including Australia’s top female grapplers, Judo Olympians and special guests. Among those will be Lorna Lock, Demi Butler, Maryanne Mullahy and Jess Fraser, who won hard fought victories and earned the right to represent Australia at the Abu Dhabi World Pro.

Australian Girls In Gi Camp III is an all inclusive non stop action packed weekend of female grappling for women of all shapes and sizes, all experience levels, all clubs and affiliations & (almost) all ages.

It is a unique and unifying event, one that all involved are exceedingly proud of.

Over the weekend the girls will be put through their paces with 4x 2 hour training sessions where they will learn new skills and have the opportunity to clean up their existing skills. There will be 2x 1 hour sessions with Sports Psychologists to further their understanding of their sport and themselves, Q&A sessions, an introduction to MMA sparring, fun & friendly competitions for prizes and much much more.

After covering camp costs the girls registration fees are pooled to raise funds to fly World Champion female BJJ black belts to Australian soils for seminars & lessons – thereby furthering the development of all Australian BJJ players.

The camp has also raised over $2500 in sponsorship for attendees such as teens, prominent athletes & those that could not otherwise afford to attend camp.

All involved donate their time so AGIG is able to do fund raise in this way, special thanks to the Australian Guys in Gi that have stepped up to do so:

Jason Caulfield, David ‘DC’ Christopher, Tra-ill Dowie, Gustavo Falciroli, Lachlan Giles, ‘Little’ Dave Hart, ‘Mini’ Dave Marinakis, Cam Rowe, Dan Shaw, Chris Shen, Thiago Stefanutti, Jamie Murray, Julian Gonzalez & Frank Barca.

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